Thursday, December 19, 2013

Gym Days 3 & 4

They did happen! Again, just cardio on treadmill for 30 minutes each day including cool down. I've been skipping stretching because I've been squeezing the workouts into a packed schedule- that's not good cause that doesn't help address my lack of flexibility but does enhance my post-workout soreness. At least, I made it so I feel good about that.

While 4 days in the gym in the past 5 days feels like a huge accomplishment, I am discouraged because my pants aren't fitting any looser yet. Today, I insisted on wearing work pants that I used to fit into comfortably earlier this year- "used to" being the operative phrase. Pre-breakfast defiance at home cools at the office in the wake of lunch and a waistband cutting into your gut, the pain of which eventually leads to the undoing of not just the top but second button- the secrets I keep dreadfully in my seat.

I'm not sure I'll have the patience to stick to this if I'm not seeing immediate results. However, despite not losing more than a pound so far, I do feel a lightness in spirit each new day I follow through on my resolution - a high that lasts about 24 hours resulting from the act of exercising not only my body, but my will. It would be something to arrive at the day when I can actually trust the promises I make to myself... in my bikini. 

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